AFCP Newsletters and Resources

AFCP Newsletters & Blogs

The WRO archive - A new dawn - Jim Orson

Fern Baker Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from UK Dairy Farms

Biographies - AFCP Webinar - 26th September 2024_

Programme - AFCP Webinar - 26th September 

Lugden Hill Charitable Trust Blog

Wing Ng - 3 things I learnt about achieving net zero through on-farm carbon assessment

AFCP 2023 Annual Review

Jim Orson - AFCP Charity Funded PhD Students Share Their Work

Will Smith - My PhD journey

Revolutionising Livestock Management 

2023.11 - Blog - Mechanical Weeding.pdf

December 2023 Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

May 2022 Newsletter

January 2022 Newsletter

To sign up for AFCP newsletter, please contact [email protected] .

Archived newsletters

Recent Forums

AFCP/NIAB Seminar Feb 2023: Programme.

AFCP Student Forum 2022: Many of the posters presented available here.

AFCP National Forum 2021 Growing: Young Minds and New Ideas

AFCP Oilseed Rape Event - June 2021:

Student reports and presentations


Below are some of the posters and presentations from student projects jointly funded by charities in conjunction with AHDB and other bodies:

  • Soil health: (University of Cambridge) and a You Tube introduction to this topic available here

AFCP National and Student Forums Archives

AFCP has held a series of National Forums aiming to bring together leading authorities on key issues relevant to the industry - training, careers and research, and to identify potential roles and opportunities for charities. Programmes and many presentations are available below.

2019: AFCP National Forum: 'Education - the essential farming and food chain input'.

2019: AFCP Student Forum: Many of the posters are available here.

2019: AFCP Regional Soils meeting: For programme and presentations

2017:  AFCP National Forum: The role of charities in post-Brexit UK food and farming

2017: AFCP Student Forum: Presentations available here.

2016:  AFCP National Forum: Upskilling agriculture and food supply—where should charities focus?

2015:  AFCP National Forum: Career development and retention in the agrifood sector: opportunities for charities

2014:  AFCP National Forum: New approaches for charities to support modern FE Colleges

2013:  AFCP National Forum: Careers for the Food Chain: Role of Charities

2013: AFCP Student event: brief report and summaries of the presentations.

2012:  AFCP National Forum: Achieving best outcomes for British agriculture: opportunities for charities

2011:  AFCP National Forum: Sharing ideas for a strong community of agrifood charities

2010:  AFCP National Forum: Creating new knowledge and expertise for the agrifood industries – where will

            the resources come from?

2009:  AFCP National Forum: Learn, discuss & influence R&D Priorities and Opportunities for agriculture &

            food - 2010 onwards

2008:  AFCP National Forum: Change, Challenge and Opportunity for AgriFood Charities

Presentations from other AFCP events are also archived here:

AFCP Workshop "Energising successful studentship schemes" Cow%2520with%2520ISO%2520ID%2520in%2520VMS%2520-%25203703-Edit.jpg

View a full report report and the presentations.

AFCP reception at Royal Bath & West Show 

This presented opportunities & information for charities

If you have any items that you think can be usefully included here then please send them to [email protected]


Charity Administration templates

In addition, charities and other organisations, manage a wide range of different processes and procedures. These range from advertising their presence to both prospective applicants and potential collaborators, through receiving and evaluating a proposal to monitoring and receiving reports from approved projects. Some of the forms that have been found to be useful in these processes are accessible from here.