Our objectives
The Perry Foundation is a registered UK Charity with the objectives of promoting education and research connected with agriculture or food production for the benefit of the public
Most of our income is allocated to funding postgraduate PhD studentships intended to be of benefit to UK agriculture, but we also grant smaller awards for other relevant projects
Any special conditions?
PhD projects relating to all aspects of UK agriculture including livestock, crops and horticulture will be considered
Part of the grant approval process involves an assessment of the likelihood of such projects providing benefit to UK agriculture in the short to medium term.
However great emphasis is also placed on the selection of the student and this process will always include face to face interviews carried out by Trustee Directors of the Foundation.
How to find out more
For comprehensive information on the Perry Foundation, its activities and how you can apply for grants, click on the website link in the box on the left. To contact the Foundation, click on the email link.
The Perry Foundation
16 Sandgate Lane
Wandsworth Common
SW18 3JP
Contact name:
Gordon Bennett
Tel:020 88741460