Our objectives
Our vision is for a prosperous rural Africa. Our mission is to reduce poverty by enabling marginal African farmers, herders and forest dwellers to make sustainable improvements to their wellbeing by effectively managing renewable natural resources.
The lives of hundreds of thousands of farmers and herders have been transformed through FARM-Africa’s work over the past twenty years . . . we have gained a wealth of experience and expertise which we have channelled into models of good practice.
Communities which depend on farming for their livelihood face many challenges including climate variations and increasing pressure on limited resources. Our strategy is to improve people’s long term opportunities to manage natural resources effectively, increase their household income, nutrition and access to food and animal healthcare at the same time as protecting their local environment.
AS part of our project work in these areas we are able to test and develop models of good practice that can be replicated by FARM-Africa and other organisations to scale up the impact we can have on poverty and reach more people. Through our core teams of agricultural and forestry experts we offer training and technical advice and we work to influence policy on natural resources management.
How to find out more
For a full picture of FARM-Africa and our activities visit our website by clicking the website link in the box on the left. To contact us click the email link.
9th floor
Bastion House
140 London Wall
London EC2Y 5DN
Contact name:
Dan Collison
Position: CEO
Tel:020 7430 0440
Fax:020 7430 0460