Our objectives
The David Colegrave Foundation (DCF) is a registered charity supporting the development of students studying horticulture in the UK. We champion careers in commercial or production ornamental horticulture by offering scholarships to these future horticulturists.
Any special conditions
Scholarships are open to all students completing horticulture related courses in the UK, and some also support those who are in the early days of their horticultural career. Student applicants must be attending, or enrolled to attend college, university or a similar educational establishment on a full or part time basis with a view to seeking permanent full time employment in commercial or production ornamental horticulture on completion of their course. Working applicants should be working in commercial or production ornamental horticulture in the UK.
How to find out more
Applicants can apply for a scholarship via an online form or they can send an application form by email to [email protected] or by post to The David Colegrave Foundation c/o The Horticultural Trades Association, Horticulture House, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0RN.
David Colegrave Foundation
c/o The Horticultural Trades Association
Horticulture House
OX11 0RN
Tel: 0333 003 3550
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