Our objectives
The BEMB Research and Education Trust was set up in 1971 utilising the residual funds after the demise of the former British Egg Marketing Board. Its charter states that it was set up for the production of hen or duck eggs in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by advancing, promoting, conducting, encouraging or supporting education, investigations, research and experimental or development work to that end and publishing, disseminating and supplying the results of such investigations, research work in such manner as the Trustees from time to time determine.
The Trust is managed by 5-6 Trustees and a Secretary/Administrator who collectively provide expertise in the following areas: top level poultry science; large scale mainstream egg production; alternative systems of egg production; egg packing; EC political egg policy.
Any special conditions?
The Trust’s funds are limited but the Trust:
- sponsors one new PhD student in alternate years who makes arrangements to publish his/her own theses . . . the BEMB Trust does not directly appoint the PhD student . . . application for grants is made by PhD supervisors who, if successful, proceed to appoint their own student;
- sponsors a Nuffield Scholar each year who is required to make a full written report . . . applications for awards are handled by the Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust;
- entertains and supports education, investigations, research and experimental or development work for which application has been made . . . applications should be made direct to the BEMB Trust . . . all requests are judged on the basis of good science and relevance to the current problems of the industry.
How to find out more
For comprehensive information on the Trust, its activities and how you can apply for grants, click on the website link in the box on the left. To contact the Society, click on the email link.
BEMB Research & Education Trust
121 Station Road
B47 6AG
Contact name:
Alan Beckett MBE
Position: Secretary
Tel: 01564 200857
Fax: 01564 200857