Who we are
AHDB is a statutory levy board based at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. It was formed on 1 April 2008, from five previous organisations which were similarly levy-funded, which were the British Potato Council; the Home-Grown Cereals Authority; the Horticultural Development Council; the Meat and Livestock Commission; and the Milk Development Council.
AHDB is funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain and managed independently of both commercial industry and of Government.
What we do
Our statutory purpose is to improve UK farm business efficiency and competitiveness. This is defined as:
(a) increasing efficiency or productivity in the industry;
(b) improving marketing in the industry;
(c) improving or developing services that the industry provides or could provide to the community; and
(d) improving the ways in which the industry contributes to sustainable development.
The funds raised from each commodity sector (Beef and Lamb, Cereals and Oilseeds, Horticulture, Dairy, Pork, Potatoes) are ring-fenced to ensure they are used only to the benefit of the sector from which they were raised.
Each year AHDB invests around £60m in the future of UK agriculture and horticulture. The work includes opening and developing markets for products here in the UK and overseas and developing new tools and techniques through innovative Research & Development which are then delivered to farmers and growers through collaborative Knowledge Exchange programmes. AHDB also provides independent Market Intelligence to improve business decision making and help educate the next generation of consumers and farmers/growers.
How to contact us
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
Stoneleigh Park
T 024 7669 2051
E [email protected]
Website: ahdb.org.uk/