Workshop on “Energising successful studentship schemes”
This workshop was organised by AFCP to bring together all components of a successful studentship activity. The aim of the presentations was:
- to improve the understanding of opportunities for studentships
- to increase awareness of the funding, operation and supervision of studentships
- to provide a basis/platform for a collaborative activity to be operational for studentships beginning in 2012.
Click on each title to view the presentation.
Why this workshop and what do we want to achieve?
Paul Biscoe, Chief Executive of AFCP & Chairman for the Workshop
What are charities currently doing?
Graham Jellis, Trustee of The Perry Foundation
Kim Matthews, Interim Head of R&D at EBLEX
What opportunities do BBSRC offer for collaboration on studentships?
Simon Cutler, Senior Innovation & Skills Programme Manager, BBSRC
Katie Tearall, Senior Business Interface Manager, BBSRC
Studentships in Higher Education & Research
Ron Corstanje, Lecturer, School of Applied Science, Cranfield University
How do studentships operate & support the Further Education sector?
David Lawrence, Principal of Easton College
What are the issues and opportunities?
Peter Redman, Trustee of the Douglas Bomford Trust