Our objectives:
Founded in 1837 the Yorkshire Agricultural Society aims to help to improve and promote agriculture in the region.
It also arranges a programme of events for schoolchildren, students and teachers; and provides support to organisations connected with agriculture: Educating future generations is an important part of the Society’s work, as is encouraging and supporting the development of rural businesses.
The Yorkshire Agricultural Society also organises and hosts the annual Great Yorkshire Show and Countryside Live both of which take place on the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate. The Yorkshire Agricultural Society is a registered charity and member organisation – with around 10,000 members who help to support the Society’s work.
Through our support of Nuffield Scholars and modest Research Grants we assist in the advancement of technologies that can have real benefit to the rural environment. Grants are intended to assist research projects by supplementing existing or other possible sources of funding. Salaries and labour costs cannot normally be included in these grants.
Any special conditions:
We welcome applications from projects that are timely, of high scientific merit and are relevant to Yorkshire and/or the North East of England. Grants are intended to assist research projects by supplementing existing or other possible sources of funding. Salaries and labour costs cannot normally be included in these grants.
How to contact us:
For any additional information and interest in partnership working please contact the Project manager using the links on the left hand side.
Yorkshire Agricultural Society
Regional Agricultural Centre
Great Yorkshire Showground
Contact Email: [email protected]
Tel:01423 541000