Our objectives
The Seale-Hayne Educational Trust was established in October 1999 having been previously known as the Seale-Hayne College Trust.
Income from the Trust is used to support higher education and research in agriculture, food and (rural) land use and related disciplines at the discretion of the Trustees. This can include providing financial or other assistance for students undertaking specific activities related to their education such as fieldwork for research projects.
The Trust welcomes applications from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Any special conditions?
Applications are invited from members (staff and students) of the University of Plymouth and its Partner Colleges . . .staff applications should be supported by the signature of the principal applicant . . . applications by students must be supported by the relevant tutor or academic supervisor who is required to take ultimate responsibility for the delivery of the project and its financial management.
The funds granted range from a few hundred pounds to £15,000 or so although proposals for longer term strategic funding can be considered.
It is normally expected that this funding will be for pump-priming new activity . . . activities which demonstrate collaboration and inter-disciplinarity are particularlywelcome. . . the fund may also be used for matched funding purposes and the Trustees are keen to see evidence of additional funding sources . . . in such circumstances the Trust will make a conditional grant, releasing funds on confirmation in writing from the other funders that the matching funds have been awarded.
As a condition of funding the main applicant of any successful project is expected to produce a written report to the Trustees’ specification within a timescale that will be stipulated by the Board as part of the funding offer.
How to find out more
Click the email link.
Seale-Hayne Educational Trust
School of Biological and Marine Science
University of Plymouth
Contact name:
Mick Fuller
Tel:07910 061913